Welcome to the HSC kitchen classroom...

Hi kids and parents!

I'm so excited to have a place to share recipes, pictures, and fun bits of information about our cooking and sewing classes at HSC. I hope you enjoy having the recipes earlier then the end of semester and I would love to hear comments after you've tried any recipes at home. I'll also post pictures of us cooking and sewing as we progress through the school year. I will let this space evolve as I see what else we can post about our time in the HSC kitchen classroom.

I'll see you in the kitchen!

Miss Stacy

Sunday, January 2, 2011

this Kitchen Classroom blog has moved

Hi families!  Home School Connection wants all blogs to be "in house" on the WWA home school website so I've transferred all past posts over there and have added more as well.  I hope you enjoy reading the recipes and sewing posts over there.  On the main page of the website just click on the word kitchen below the header and you'll be sent to my blog.  See ya over there!